Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Positive energy: Incense fragrance

People want to find peace and positive balance in their lives. Aromatherapy is considered one of ancient healing therapy; incense fragrance is used since ancient time to cleanse mind and body from stress and negative energies. Our different experiences of life are stored as fragrance in our mind. Fragrance is like a time travel machine that takes our mind to some past experience and helps to relive it. Due to this, it is advised to light incense during meditation or religious rituals. The mixture of herbs creates a unique aroma that helps to reduce stress and clean the environment from any negative energy. Its fragrance can completely cleanse the environment and create a positive aura. Ancient Indian shamans believed that sage can ward off negative energies and spirit. It helps the mind to de-clutter all chaotic and stressful thought. Modern lifestyle has caused harm to our physical and mental health. Long hours at work coupled with misbalance between work and home life has added stress and lifestyle diseases to our lives.

Incense fragrance has become immensely popular world wide. All healing practices encourage regular burning of incense to cleanse the mind. Ancient healers believe that negative energy in the environment pollute the atmosphere and spread unfavorable odor. Burning of healing fragrance can dispel negative smell and spread positive energy in the environment.  It is also considered one of the healthiest room fresheners; since room fresheners contain chemical vapors which can cause allergy to people with asthma or young children. But incense is purely herbal and safe; it does not cause allergic reactions like; sneezing or suffocation. Incense fragrance is used in spas, yoga centre, healing and meditation centre.   It can completely eradicate any unpleasant odor by cleansing the environment of the room. The purpose of all meditation is to coax the mind into deep relaxing state, and then it becomes easy to concentrate on a symbol or a point. Once mind is calm, it can easily enter into a deep relaxing state.

Incense fragrance is created by mixing different herbs; this aromatic blending creates exotic fragrance. Its effects are long lasting and completely transform the mood. The importance of spiritual fragrance has been stressed since ancient time; due to increasing awareness of the benefit of organic and natural product. More people prefer natural method of healing and transformation. To live a happy life; material comfort and advancement is not enough; the realization of the power of balance mind and body has raised the demand for natural fragrance and aroma therapy.

Tips transcend your mind : Champa incense

  • Champa incense is created by champa flowers that are found in India. Champa trees are pyramid shape and are up to hundred feet tall. One of the most famous incense from champa is nag champa. Nag champa fragrance is created by mixing various ingredients with champa like; sandalwood and halmaddi. It has a unique aroma which different from all other fragrance. Nag champa has become the most popular essence world wide. It is used in spa lounges, yoga centers and other healing practices. It contains halmaddi that can absorb water which gives it a grey and sticky texture. The aroma of nag champa is dense when burned for a longer time it transforms into a mild and sweet fragrance. The formula of creating the exotic fragrance of nag champa was developed in hindu and Buddhist monasteries. It used to be a safely guarded formula and was not shared with outsiders. Today, nag champa is available all over the world.

  • Champa incense is considered auspicious in India and is used in all religious and spiritual rituals. The champa tree occupies a divine stature among the trees found in India. Champa flowers are considered pure like divine goddess and due to this reason its tree is grown near the temples and monasteries. The reason nag champa is favored by Buddhist monasteries and other healing practice is due to its ability to calm the mind. While meditation, the practitioner is taught to control the mind. Our mind is difficult to control; it is like a recorder that records all the experience as memory and keeps repeating them in the form of thoughts. It is difficult to control the flow of thoughts; repetitive thoughts create confusion and clutter in the mind which results in stress and anxiety. Scriptures have compared nature of mind with a drunken monkey, the more one tries to control it, and more it jumps out of hand. The only way to handle mind and incessant thought is to calm it by diverting its attention. Nag champa fragrance helps to divert the mind from thoughts and helps to calm it.

  • Champa incense comes as incense stick and cones. They are available in wholesale as well. Champa is used in other products like, soaps, essential oils etc. It is pivotal that customers must buy champa products from a reliable dealer and supplier. Since, champa products are imported, customers can be deceived by suppliers who want to make quick buck by selling fake or synthetic products as authentic champa fragrance.